The directional alignment of crystal, on the one hand, effectively controls crack propagation paths and increases strength; on the other hand, induces anisotropy. 云母晶体的定向排列可有效控制裂纹走向,显著提高其强度,也导致材料的各向异性。
We are all aware that crime can be the consequence of drug abuse both because so many drugs are illegal, and because people wasted on substances like crystal meth, crack cocaine or alcohol can be aggressive. 我们很清楚,吸毒可能会造成犯罪,这既是因为很多毒品都是非法的,而且因为那些把钱浪费在冰毒、强效可卡因或酒精等物质上的人可能会具有侵略性。
Pressure Vessel Welding Crystal Crack and Prevention 压力容器焊接结晶裂纹与防止措施
P-RAP method is adopted to grow KBr single crystal. CHBr_3 and the mixture of CH_2Br_2 and CCl_4 are chosen as the P-reagent and RAP-reagent for the purification of KBr raw material and KBr melt respectively. Crucible crack caused by adhesion of the melt can be avoided. 采用P-RAP法生长KBr单晶,用CHBr3作为纯化固体粉料的试剂,CCl4与CH2Br2的混合物作为纯化KBr熔体的RAP试剂,解决了晶体粘附坩埚引起坩埚的炸裂问题。
But the material has two fatal defects: one was that the crystal was very large anisotropy which made its mechanical strength very low because there was much crack in the material when it cooled. 但同时该材料也存在着两大致命弱点:一是晶体在各个晶轴方向上的差异很大,导致在冷却时产生大量微裂纹,机械强度很低;
Because its silicon content is up to 4 percent, it trends to produce crystal crack, its weldability is poor, and its welding procedure requirement is high. 由于硅含量高达到4%,增加了结晶裂纹的倾向,故而焊接性能较差,对焊接工艺要求高。
The effect of electromagnetic stirring ( S-EMS? F-EMS) on center equiaxial crystal zone proportion, central crack, contraction cavity, looseness in horizontal concasting round billet has been tested and analyzed. 试验和分析了电磁搅拌(S-EMS、F-EMS)对连铸圆坯的中心等轴晶区比率、中间裂纹、缩孔、疏松的影响。
CLEAVAGE CRACK TIP DEFORMATION IN ZINC SINGLE CRYSTAL A Theoretical Modal of Crack Nucleation in Metals Zn单晶解理裂纹前端的范性行为金属中裂纹形核的一个理论模型
The strengthening mechanisms of composites are the fine grains and optimal crystal boundary strengthening, and the toughening mechanisms are the fine grain toughening and the crack deflection, the micro bridge join and the crack bend toughening. 该材料的强化机制为细晶和优化晶界强化;韧化机制为细晶韧化,裂纹偏转、微桥接和弯曲韧化。
In this paper, we have concentrated on the behavior of crystal dislocations near crack& tip during the initiation of crystalline solid fracture starting from the fundamental principles of rheological mechanics. 在本文,我们从流变力学基本原理出发,着重探讨了晶态固体起裂时裂纹尖端附近晶体位错行为。
In order to investigate the meso-mechanical behavior of crack containing metallic materials under cyclic loading, the primary analysis on crystal cyclic plasticity and stress of crystal grains at mode-ⅰ crack tip for copper material under cyclic tension-tension loading has been carried out. 为探讨含裂纹金属材料在循环载荷下的细观力学行为,采用随机构成的多晶模型对循环载荷下Ⅰ型裂纹裂尖前缘的晶体塑性变形和应力循环进行初步分析。
The wheel shaft crack of 10 ton miner's electric locomotive belongs to the high frequency low stress throughout crystal fatigue crack induced by both direction alternative distorting stress. The cause of the crack is that quality in heat treatment is not good. 某矿10吨矿用电机车轮轴断裂是属于双向交变扭转应力作用下形成的高周低应力穿晶疲劳断裂,断裂的主要原因是由于热处理质量不佳所致。
The test results show that the mechanism of ductile-mode material removal of the brittle material is attributed to a combination of mica crystal guidance for crack propagation and the ability of glass phase to produce intense shearing strain. 试验结果表明,脆性材料的延性切削模式的实现是由于云母晶体对裂纹走向的引导和玻璃相的强烈的剪切变形能力的共同作用。
CZT crystal with its brittleness is easy to produce crack or crash under the external force. CZT晶体具有脆性,容易在外力作用下产生裂纹,以至破碎。
In this paper, the scattering loss in the crystals is about 1 × 10-3 cm-1. The reasons that lead the crystal to crack in detail and solve this problem finally were discussed. 测定了晶体中的散射损耗约为1×10-3cm-1.详细讨论了引起晶体开裂的主要原因,并在此基础上基本解决了晶体开裂的难题。
The supper long timet hole and the supper big welding current I will cause coarse crystal structure with intensive directivity and that is main reason causing crystal crack. 过长的thole和过大的焊接电流I都会导致该处结晶组织粗大,方向性强是产生结晶裂纹的主要原因。
The result indicates that the nano SiC is in the crystal boundary mostly and the toughness of alumina ceramic is enhanced because of the crack deflexion mechanism. 研究表明纳米SiC晶粒主要处于晶界位置,增韧是由于裂纹偏转机制作用。
Formation and prevention of gear axes crystal boundary crack 齿轮轴轴心晶间裂纹的产生与预防
Simulation results show that the free surfaces of single crystal take effect on the motion of atoms and mechanical properties of nano crystal. Atomic cavities and the growth of crack in crystal lead to the failure of nano film. 结果表明:纳米薄膜的自由表面影响拉伸过程中原子的运动和薄膜整体力学性能,纳米薄膜破坏的几何特征是原子空位的连接和晶胞缺陷的扩展;
More over, the traced B added to the steel can interact with P and is benefited to restrain the segregation of P on the crystal boundary, so the thermal ductility of the steel can be increased greatly and the crack sensitivity during CC process can be decreased. 采用俄歇谱仪测定表明,在钢中添加微量硼,可与磷产生交互作用,有利于抑制磷在晶界的非平衡偏聚,从而显著提高了钢的热塑性,降低连铸过程的裂纹敏感性。
But the problems that crystal diameter is hard to control, voids are easy to form inside the crystal and crystal can crack easily need to be resolved. 但晶体直径难于控制、晶体易形成气泡与开裂等问题亟待解决。
Furthermore, the selectivity of crack propagation direction on soft-phase, the resistance of crystal boundaries of multiphase structures to crack propagation, and the initiation and propagation of quadratic crack consumed lots of expansion energy and relaxed strain concentration, which reduced the crack growth rates. 裂纹扩展方向对软相的选择性、多相组织大量晶界和相界对裂纹扩展的阻力,以及较长的二次裂纹的萌生及扩展均会消耗大量的扩展能,从而降低主裂纹的扩展速率。
When sintering temperature is too high, which induced crystal grain grown up and the crack is easy to produce. Finally make the bending strength of composites reduced. 过高的烧结温度导致材料晶粒粗大,容易滋生裂纹,最终使复合材料抗弯强度的降低。
The propagation mode of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys is a mixed pattern of intergranular and transgranular ones. The relationship between misorientation of adjacent grains and propagation of fatigue crack obeys the crystal deformation mechanism of crack tips. Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金疲劳裂纹的扩展呈穿晶与沿晶混合的方式,相邻晶粒的晶粒结构与裂纹扩展之间的关系遵循于裂纹尖端的晶体塑性变形机制。
This study claims a mechanism of DEF. At the tip of crack, ions deposit on the nuclear of ettringite, and the crystal keeps growing. As the space is limited, the huge crystallization pressure leads crack extend and macroscopical expansion. 本文提出膨胀机制的一种假说,在尖窄裂纹处,离子沉淀在钙矾石晶核上,使晶体不断生长,在有限的空间内产生巨大的结晶压力,导致了裂纹的扩展和宏观的膨胀。
On the base of the model of residual stress, the stress state between matrix and crystal was analyzed. With the introduction to the theory of crack deflexion, the effect of different aspect ratios of crystals on toughen was discussed. 以残余应力模型分析基体和颗粒间的应力状态,应用裂纹偏转理论,讨论不同长径比晶粒的增韧效果。
The results showed the crystal grain was more fine in the fusion than that of the base metal, and the microstructure of heat affected zone became coarse obviously, which was the danger zone of crack. 结果发现,与母材组织相比,焊缝区晶粒明显细小,为细小的等轴晶组成;热影响区的晶粒明显粗大,是接头断裂的危险区。